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Below are sample of the strategies and sub-strategies we are able to cover in any advice requests.

Pricing Schedule




Debt Management

Social Security

Personal Insurance


  • Super establishment

  • Super rollover and/or consolidation

  • Salary sacrificing

  • Non-concessional contributions

  • Concessional contributions

  • Contribution splitting

  • Spouse contributions

  • Recontribution strategy

  • Reweight/switch underlying investments

  • Pension establishment

  • Pension transfer and/or consolidation

  • Transition to Retirement (TTR) pension 

  • Transfer pension to super

  • Lump sum withdrawals

  • Amend pension income and/or frequency

  • Annuities – lifetime, fixed income etc

  • Life

  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)

  • Trauma

  • Income Protection (IP)

  • Whole of Life policy (WOL)

  • Endowment policy

  • Consolidation of debt

  • Refinancing of debt

  • Adjustment to payment and/or frequency

  • Lump sum repayment

  • Offset accounts and re-draw facilities

  • Centrelink age pension

  • DVA pension

  • Disability support pension

  • Carer payment & allowance

  • Family tax benefits

  • Newstart allowance

  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card (CSHCC)


  • Debt recycling strategy

  • Gearing into super

  • Gearing review

  • Margin loan increase/decrease

  • Wind up gearing strategy

  • Establish SMSF

  • Internal switch of SMSF assets

  • New investments into SMSF

  • Lump sum and/or regular withdrawals

  • Update Investment strategy

  • Transition from accumulation to pension

  • Wind up SMSF

  • Investment accounts

  • Investment bonds

  • Education / child bonds

  • Managed funds

  • Listed securities

  • Property

  • Cash flow management strategies

Business Insurance

  • Business Expense cover

  • Key person cover

  • Buy/sell cover

Download a copy of our pricing schedule:

Paraplanning Services
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