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Our Process

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Contact us to establish service expectations and sign a Paraplanning Service Agreement. We can have you set up within 24 hours.
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Securely upload client documentation via OneDrive and/or email.
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Confirmation of strategies, expected completion date and pricing within 24 hours.
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Preparation of SOA utilising Licensee templates and preferred software.
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Internal quality assurance and compliance check conducted.
Completed SOA is returned within the agreed timeframe.

Reed Paraplanning offer an introductory service for Advisers in the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Gold Coast regions. If you wish to take up this complimentary service, we will meet with you in your office to form an understanding of a number of key elements in our relationship. These include, but are not limited to:

    - Your advice and investment philosophies

    - Your SoA preferences and style guides

    - Your expectations  

    - Your ideal method of ongoing communication

For all interstate Advisers we are able to offer the same introductory service via telephone or Skype.

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